
Dedicated in providing support to people across the UK living with cancer, Look Good Feel Better is the only cancer support charity helping men, women and young adults with the physical and mental side effects from cancer treatment.
Found in hospitals, cancer care centres and hospices, Look Good Feel Better’s unique confidence boosting workshops provide an opportunity for people with all types of cancers to come together in a safe and welcoming environment.
The 2,600 strong army of Look Good Feel Better Volunteers who run the Workshops are qualified beauticians, make-up artists, skincare specialists and barbers, who share their experience and knowledge to ensure that by the end of the 2-hour session when attendees look in the mirror, their confidence and self-esteem is restored and a sense of ‘normality’ is regained.
Look Good Feel Better relies totally on the generosity of its supporters and fundraisers to ensure that over 1,600 Workshops take place each year and the 20,000+ people who attend these receive the support they need and deserve whilst being treated for cancer.
To find out more about Look Good Feel Better, visit
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